Fwd: Request for Help

From: Peter Smagorinsky (smago@coe.uga.edu)
Date: Mon Oct 28 2002 - 02:58:58 PST

If you have any references or ideas, please send them directly to "Dan
Wuori" <DWuori@lex5.k12.sc.us>

>X-Mailer: Novell GroupWise Internet Agent
>Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 16:27:29 -0400
>From: "Dan Wuori" <DWuori@lex5.k12.sc.us>
>To: <smago@coe.uga.edu>
>Subject: Request for Help
>X-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-milter (http://amavis.org/)
>Dear Dr. Smagorinsky,
>I am writing in hopes that you might be able to point me in some helpful
>directions. I am a doctoral candidate at the University of SC and a great
>admirer of your work particularly as it relates the fields of literacy and
>sociocultural theory/CHAT.
>I am working toward a research proposal at would look specifically at
>reading in the primary grades through these same lenses. I was hoping that
>you might be able to point me in the direction of any other works that
>have pursued the following themes and hypotheses:
>Reading as a form of mediated action, developed initially on the
>interpersonal plane and endowed with the properties identified by Wertsch
>(in Mind as Action).
>Early reading at the level of goal driven activity and perhaps the
>implications of curricular interventions such as Accelerated Reader that
>rely heavily on extrinsic rewards. (I'm particularly intrigued/concerned
>by this idea as it relates to Leont'ev's suggestion that actions terminate
>upon goal attainment. Accordingly, I am also interested in...)
>Louise Rosenblatt s efferent and aesthetic readings as they relate to the
>goal driven activity of the reader.
>I d be truly appreciative for any suggestions that you may be able to pass
>along related to either 1) significant works that may inform my own, or 2)
>your suggestions and advice for pursuing these ideas in new and
>significant ways.
>Thank you in advance for any input you may be able to provide as a "ground
>breaker" in these fields! Best wishes from SC...
>Dan Wuori
>Coordinator of Early Childhood Services
>School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties
>1020 Dutch Fork Road, Ballentine, SC 29002
>(803) 732-8241 -- Phone
>(803) 732-8243 -- Fax
>E-Mail: <mailto:DWuori@lex5.k12.sc.us>DWuori@lex5.k12.sc.us

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