take King Seriously

From: Mike Cole (mcole@weber.ucsd.edu)
Date: Thu Oct 24 2002 - 18:05:45 PDT

BB et al-- King is, very unfortunately, right on the mark with his comments
re educational research. And worse. Would that the beast would only slouch,
and not gallop, toward Byzantium. A fantastically virulent force is at
work in turning schools into randomized assignment of children to experimental
conditions (what major will run on this platform, what HRB committee will
OK the experiment)?

Seen any evidence of terror recently? How come its visibility has been so
long in coming since it has been here, just beyond the range of the TV cameras,
for so long?

Re XMCA. I am pretty sure of the following, and perhaps its inverse:
No dialogue, no activity.

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