RE: online seminar - content, v. 0.9b

From: Jim Rogers (
Date: Wed Sep 25 2002 - 10:14:10 PDT

kudos on putting this together. At this point I just have one
suggestion on:

*** Session 1 ***
Revolutionary roots: Marx

Marx, K. (1844). Alienated Labour and Private Property and Communism.
The Economico-Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844.

Marx, K. (1845/1888). Theses on Feuerbach

Marx, K. (1867). Capital (chapters 1.1; 1.2; 7.1; 7.2; 13, 14, 15.1; and

I would suggest adding M. Elhammouni's chapter: "Lost- or merely
domesticated? The boom in socio-historicocultural theory emphasizes
some concepts, overlooks others" in S. Chaiklin The Theory and Practice
of Cultural-Historical Psychology (2000).

In this chapter he makes a good argument (IMO) for the importance of
reclaiming dialectal materialism in current CHAT research. I think it
would frame the Marx readings nicely.


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