lots of uncertainty

From: Mike Cole (mcole@weber.ucsd.edu)
Date: Sun Sep 22 2002 - 00:30:26 PDT

and a query

Dear Colleagues,

I am about to leave the far northeastern Euro zone for a week of Luria
celebrations in Moscow. At last word, I have no idea if or when there
will be any streaming of sessions from there, but will write if I can get
any reliable information.

Last heard, there was also some considerable uncertainty about the videobridge
with CUNY on Friday, but your XMCA oldtimer, Joe Glick, is heading up that
effort and may well know more than I do. A lot of people have put a lot of
time into this effort, so I sure hope it works!

My query. Who knows where and how to subscribe the critical social science
journal, *Outline*? Its contents should be of great interest to xmca-ites
from what I have heard, but a google search is pretty hard to narrow on a
single word of that frequency, so I turn to you-all for help.

I have heard no word about Nate's new political career on the Chicago-style

voting machine that was on xmca. Did you win the election nate, or did the
feds move in and move the voting machines to Florid? :-=

And remember, the purpose of all this is to increase access to those who
cannot afford MCA and to increase discussion of articles here on XMCA. It
is not to "pick the best." Among equally, infinitely, great topics and articles
there can be no best. But there can be preferences for discussion.

See you, life willing.

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