Re: a different margin

From: Bill Barowy (
Date: Tue Sep 17 2002 - 13:45:18 PDT

I think what Mike is saying is that the capability to have a mailing list
that is web archived is within the lchc capability. XMCA does have archives
on the web. So probably this route can be taken cheaply and quickly.

It's pretty clear that such a mailing list, if this route is taken, would be
separate from xmca.

Personally, i use email filters to triage incoming messages into separate
folders and can move, sort, and search effectively. Several email clients
exist for free on the net with this capability. Managing discussions can
be done well on client computers and does not have to be done on a web server
with a browser interface. Limited access does not just affect those with
phone dial-up connections from home -- it also affects those who travel.

The big issue i see, and why i took a close look at KF, is the issue of
inequitable (not "not equal", but "unfair") participation that unstructured
(socially and technologically) discussion environments make possible. Eva's
counting on mailing list participation ( and my own with online courses)
indicates that a few people may take the lion's share of discussion space.
It is (maybe to the lion share takers) a subtle silencing of those who are
not lions (and who also don't think it's quite so subtle.) The prevention
does not have to be with widgets, however, there can be structured
turn-taking with contributions.

So with these questions, this lion will shut up:

Does any participant not have the ability to spend extensive time online?

(If anyone does not have easy web access, then perhaps we'd best go the email
route with web archives)

Does anyone have access to access to all the readings suggested so far?
(There are several noted that are no longer published)


On Tuesday 17 September 2002 12:10 pm, Mike Cole wrote:
> From an internet shop in Florence where telnet into weber is possible
> and much faster than web access and it costs 4 euros an hour. Money
> is a big issue and so is time. The discussion cannot be overly
> intensive temporally or it will drive many out for a variety of reasons.
> The current threading on the xma page at lchc isn;t optimal, but is it
> accessible? If so, then it is compatible with this linear form via
> email since both occur at roughly the sazme time.
> mike

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