I thought you might be interested in this.
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Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 1:33 PM
Subject: exiting job (?)
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Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 10:24:43 -0400
>From: "Bill Peterson" <>
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Subject: Job for graduate students
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Dear Colleagues,
Smith College has an exciting job opening in developmental
psychology that we thought might interest some of your graduate
students. In the position we hope to hire a scholar whose research
focuses on development and culture (particularly with a focus on U.S.
minorities). Our ad appears below. We especially welcome applications
from minority candidates.
Thank you,
Bill E. Peterson
Smith College Assistant Professor in Developmental Psychology;
full-time, tenure-track appointment beginning in September, 2003. Area
of specific research specialization is open. Ideally, candidates should
incorporate a cultural perspective on child or adolescent development in
their teaching or research. A cultural perspective might be evidenced
in different ways, for example, degrees in developmental psychology and
Latino studies, or a substantive research emphasis on any U.S. minority
group. We also value experience in establishing rapport with and
mentoring minority students. The College offers strong support for
research activity through generous sabbaticals, start-up grants, and
internal funding opportunities, including a well-established laboratory
school (Infancy to 6h grade). The Psychology Department is housed in a
newer building with spacious offices and laboratories. It has 15
full-time faculty whose active research programs range from the social
psychology of racism to the neuroscience of circadian rhythms. Our
faculty currently study an array of developmental issues including
language acquisition and theory of mind, literacy and deafness,
children's anxiety, self-efficacy, adult generativity, and cultural
differences in learning style. Smith College is highly selective and
consistently ranked among the top 20 finest liberal arts institutions.
It is the largest women's college in the country and committed to
excellence in teaching its outstanding students, over 20% of whom are
U.S. minorities. Collaborations with student researchers are encouraged
and supported. Teaching responsibilities typically involve 4 courses a
year and in this position include child development, seminars or
laboratories in the candidate's area of specialization, and usually a
course in the introductory sequence. The college is a member of the
Five-College Consortium with the University of Massachusetts, and
Amherst, Mt. Holyoke, and Hampshire Colleges, which makes for a broad
and vibrant intellectual community of 31,000 students and 1,877
full-time faculty. Members of the psychology department at Smith
involve themselves in other programs and departments at the College,
including Neuroscience, Afro-American Studies, Philosophy, Cognitive
Science, and many enjoy appointments to the Graduate School of Arts and
Sciences at the University of Massachusetts. Smith College is located
in downtown Northampton, celebrated for its lively arts scene. Send
vitae, sample publications, statements of teaching and research
interests (including experience with multicultural settings), and three
letters of recommendation to Bill E. Peterson, Chair, Developmental
Search Committee, Department of Psychology, Smith College, Northampton,
MA 01063. Full consideration by the search committee will be given to
completed applications received before October 11th. Smith College is
an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer encouraging excellence
through diversity.
Bill E. Peterson
Associate Professor of Psychology
Smith College
Department of Psychology
Northampton, MA 01063
(413) 585 - 3764
Fax: (413) 585 - 3786
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