"Anyway, I do still believe in dialogue and multiloguism and the very importance of critical approaches in order to make us advance in comprehending our human acrivity, specially in the very importance of a metacritical thinking of them - of the critical approaches. Can you understand me? "Ricardo Yes, Ricardo, it seems to me that I understand you. It will be very interesting for me to learn more on what you consider to be metacritical thinking ... I have to admit, I "thinkfeel" the difference between "marxist" and "marxian", but in fact totally ignorant about the difference. Some progressive marxist thinking in Russia was associated in the 50s with the names of Ilyenkov, Mamardashvili, Shedrovitskiy, so called Moscow methodological group. Sorry for the delayed response.Elina
Ricardo Japiassu wrote:"... it seems to me the building the history and ongoing questioning of the classical conceptual frameworks of CHAT is different from looking for the true understandings, fundamental and universal truths." Elina Me too, dear Elina. I think Mohammed, Newton and Aaro - authors I reffered to in my last posting - have indeed done a very important work, do not letting new generations - and us all - lost of view the great contribuition of marxian thinking to an understanding of the dialetical and hystorical materialism fundamentals of human typically activity. I can distinguish between "marxist" and "marxian" thinking. So when some theoricians state that LSV was not a "marxist" I, personally, understand their assumptions by taking into account some difference between a "marxist" and a "marxian" approach to K. Marx ideas. To say that Vygotsky was not a "marxist" it is not the same as to say he did not develloped a "marxian" approach to human activity. Vygot
sky himself explicitly condemned those in his time (along "Crisis") who used Marx's transcriptions without a critical or "radical" understanding of the implications of a dialetical and historical materialist approach to Psychology! Anyway, I do still believe in dialogue and multiloguism and the very importance of critical approaches in order to make us advance in comprehending our human acrivity, specially in the very importance of a metacritical thinking of them - of the critical approaches. Can you understand me?
"To a man with a hammer everything looks like a nail."
M.Postman Conscientious Objections,1988, p.33
Elina Lampert-Shepel
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