Hans-- I was able to read your paper last night. I found it both interesting
and confusing.
I was very interested by your insistence on distinguishing actins and
activities and your discussion of suicide in chat terms. That was a totally
new idea for me.
I was confused by several parts of the paper.
1. I thought that you worked with three groups: juvenile offenders,
parents, and authorities concerned with crime. This sounded like
three different activity system with differently overlapping objects.
But that was not how I understood your analysis.
2. You focus on fact that youth are engaged in activity BEFORE committing
crimes, but you do not tell us about them at all, yet they must be
important some way. Why else mention them?
3. You say that the activities are not generally robbery early in the
paper, but it is car stealing that is the example you talk about later.
Thank you for making your paper available for reading.
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