Thanks. I put it up on the XCMA website at
http://lchc.ucsd.edu/MCA/Paper/knutagard/ISCRAT2002.htm. We like to keep
a history of interesting papers we receive. If there are problems with
this on your end, let me know and I'll remove it.
From a quick glance the paper appears real interesting, and definately
focused on the concrete practices of th earlier thread.
Hans Knutagård wrote:
>It has been interesting to read about your comments from the Amsterdam
>conference. I have been struggling with myself if I should should send
>attached paper, but since nobody mention that small seminar I will take the
>opportunity to present it here instead.
>I wrote about youth crime prevention based on culturalhistorical activity
>theory. If anybody would like to read it, I would appreciate comments.
>Sorry to attach it, but my homepage is not working properly. The attachment
>is checked by virus protection.
>Hans Knutagard
-- There is no hope of finding the sources of free action in the lofty realms of the mind or in the depths of the brain. The idealist approach of the phenomenologists is as hopeless as the positive approach of the naturalists. To discover the sources of free action it is necessary to go outside the limits of the organism, not into the intimate sphere of the mind, but into the objective forms of social life; it is necessary to seek the sources of human consciousness and freedom in the social history of humanity. To find the soul it is necessary to lose it. A.R. Luriavygotsky@charter.net http://webpages.charter.net/schmolze1/vygotsky/index.html http://marxists.org/subject/psychology/index.htm
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