Re: Two examples of emergence

Date: Mon Jun 03 2002 - 05:46:20 PDT

In a message dated 6/3/2002 3:55:35 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> The complex total Taoist. In Taoism there is no inherent
> order. ...The universe in Taoism is perceived as vast, amorphous, and
> ever-changing. You can never nail it down. the elements always stay the
> same, yet they're always rearranging themselves. So it's like a
> kaleidoscope: the world is a matter of patterns that change, that partly
> repeat, but never quite repeat, that are always new and different.


In Vaalsiner's Culture and the Development of Children's Actions he does a
nice job of critiquing all of the systems theories and how they are helpful
for understanding human developemnt and how they fall short in their
explanantion. I agree complex/chaos thoery appears too haphazard and not
systematic enough to explain the coordinated chaos that is human existance.


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