Re: the many faces of xmca

From: Nate Schmolze (
Date: Thu Jan 03 2002 - 15:20:19 PST


You may be right as far as being able to produce a webpage, but I am less
than confortable with the way this was handled.

Without seeking permission all those photos are now the property of Yahoo.
(Read the TOS) They are taking desperate measures in desperate economic

I don't know the answer here between "user friendly" services and personal
information being sold like a pair of Nike's.

My larger concern is groups like Yahoo, MSN etc are not open by any means
and artifacts like the collage should be more accessable.

Funny, I did not have a problem when it was on Bill's site eventhough
Lesley's practice is similar to Yahoo's. Just frustrated with the closing
nature of the web of late.

>From: Eva Ekeblad <>
>Subject: Re: the many faces of xmca
>Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2002 18:09:16 +0100
>At 15.56 +0000 02-01-03, Bruce Robinson scrobe:
> >Interface as user-friendly as a cornered rat.
>At 17.04 +0100 02-01-03, Eva Ekeblad scrobe:
> >Where I am concerned Yahoo is a lot more open towards allowing me to do
> >stuff on short notice than Bruce Jones (the LCHC gremlin tamer).
>Just couldn't resist this juxtaposition.
>As for harbouring the end result at the LCHC I think I already said the
>store is... well, open.


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