At 17.04 +0100 02-01-03, Eva Ekeblad scrobe:
>At 07.45 -0600 02-01-03, Nate Schmolze scrobe:
>>Don't work. Only link that's operational is "home" - all others unworkable.
>That must be because you are not signed in. Anyone not signed in will see
>only the 'home'
>page & link
Oops: that should have been: anyone not signed in AS A MEMBER OF THE LIST
will see only the first page. I don't have an unrelated ID to check this
with, though, but it is how it's set up to work. Also, this is one of the
aspects that can be changed at public wish - we could use the poll facility
for deciding how open the facegroup should be (in yahoo terms, of course)
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