Don't work.
Only link that's operational is "home" - all others unworkable.
It would be nice to have it available on something more open - don't have to sell your soul to use.
I never have used a lot of these Yahoo tools because there so closed - visiter must use yahoo in order for it to be operational.
Just very frustrated with the New York times approach to the web.
I agree with Mike that the final collective product would be nice to have on MCA - intro maybe. Just for the record the YAHOO user id and passwork are public knowledge now, so not only xcma members but any hacker (Piagetians) can change the pictures to.
----- Original Message -----
From: Eva Ekeblad
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 6:58 AM
Subject: the many faces of xmca
Hi all
There are now roundly seventy mugshots in the xmcafaces gallery at (link to photos, then folder XMCA
It is a very heterogeneous collection, based mostly on webhauls, plus a
number of pix sent by email to Bill, so it's sort of a random mixture of
oldies and newbies, frequent contributors and scarce ones - representing
something like a tenth of the people who ever posted to the xmca. If you
feel wrongly excluded, pleas send us a pic, or visit the groupsite and
upload yourself, I mean, an electronic representation.
If you have been included and don't want to be there, just drop us a note:
<> and/or <>
With this many pix the drawbacks of the yahoo interface are starting to
show - Bill's page of nameless faces definitely loads faster and provides a
more convenient overview. But the yahoo album has the advantage that it
lets people add or remove themselves (i.e. you can remove the pic when
signed in with the same ID you uploaded it from - so the ones that I have
uploaded you'll have to ask a moderator to delete, but we're accessible and
willing to serve :-)
As I wrote yesterday there is a "collective ID" set up for signing in to
yahoo when you want to visit this members-only area without subscribing -
though if you already have a yahoo ID it might be more convenient to
subscribe to the group (it will not add to your mailflow, the posting
function is disabled).
The collective ID is: xmca2002
with the password: photos
subscription goes through
Väl bekomme!
These are the faces so far:
Mike Cole
Gordon Wells
Eugene Matusov
Yrjö Engeström
Leigh Star
Ethel Tobach
Jay Lemke
Alfred Lang
Arne Raeithel
Naoki Ueno
Pedro Portes
Peter Smagorinsky
Kevin Leander
Phil Graham
Honorine Nocon
Jerry Balzano
Andy Blunden
Angel Lin
Bonnie Nardi
Don Cunningham
Judy Diamondstone
Jennifer Vadeboncoeur
Katherine Brown
Ken Goodman
Martin Nystrand
Dewey Dykstra
Andee Rubin
Ilias Karasavvidis
Kathie Goff
Martin Owen
Wolff-Michael Roth
Nate Schmolze
Olav Bertelsen
Vera John-Steiner
Olga Vasquez
David Kirshner
Bill Barowy
Laszlo Garai
Stanton Wortham
John St Julien
Linda Polin
Eva Ekeblad
Kathryn Alexander
Elizabeth Manlove
Judy Wasser
Gary Shank
Judith Gregory
Ricardo Ottoni Vaz Japiassu
King Beach
Alena Lee Sanusi
Bill Penuel
Lois Holzman
Esteban Diaz
Linnda Caporael
Martin Ryder
Mary Bryson
Chuck Bazerman
Kevin Rocap
Ellice Forman
Paul Prior
Tim Koschmann
Carl Ratner
Kathryn Crawford
Peter Jones
Phillip Capper
Ana Marjanovic-Shane
Anna Sfard
Rolfe Windward
Bruce Robinson
Joe Glick
Dale Cyphert
Ulric Björck
Rolf Knutagård
Charles NelsonGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :
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