At 14.00 +0000 02-01-02, Bruce Robinson scrobe:
>I'm number 70 - the one with the Sheffield spring sun shining on my bald
Nice to meet you, Bruce - even if virtually-vicariously.
Your posting makes me realize how privileged I have been to meet so many
xmcaers face to face over the years, although I had only laid eyes on one
or two of the crowd way back when I was a newbie.
I can't speak for Bill, of course - but I have, as so often, been carrying
on backstage conversations with him about this, so I am somewhat informed.
And I suspect that he had multiple reasons for proceeding the way he did,
privacy being one and the holiday puzzle aspect being another - technical
batch processing facilities might have been a third. Institutional
considerations at Bills web host might be a fourth (only guessing here).
I know from backstage that many people have sent their own photos to Bill,
and that he has not received a single message of withdrawal (so far).
Anyway, I agree with you, Bruce, wholeheartedly, about assuming that having
names with faces and faces with names would be very beneficial for the list
and its discussions. I know that for me, seeing pix, has taught me a little
bit more about my own sterotyping tendencies, made me a little bit more
aware (for whatever that is worth).
So, while I have (subjectively ;-) had fun, testing if my memories for
faces hold up, and Google-hunting for new identifications, I think it is
time to declare the holidays over, time to provide the (objective!)
couplings between faces and names.
I have started doing so, in a photo album at yahoogroups - for one thing
their facilities for constructing the page that you just upload pix into is
pretty nifty. For another thing, this way the photo album can set with a
members-only access, and out of the way for webcrawlers. If now that is a
The album (so far only twelve pix, but we'll fill in the rest today) at
We have set up a "collective ID" to use for signing in to yahoo when you
want to visit the area (their sign-in procedures can be a bit frustrating,
but don't give up). Also, I haven't tried this before, and don't know what
will happen if more than one person tries to sign in with the same ID at
the same time.
The ID is: xmca2002 (the ID: xmca was alreadu taken)
with the password: photos
You can also subscribe through
- there is a mailinglist, but it is currently set NOT to accept postings.
When you are signed in, you can add your own photos to the album.
I can give more instructions and info if needed: and remember, the Stuff
can always be mirrored elsewhere - and almost anything about how a
yahoogroup is set up can be changed if the public so desires. Except the
disgusting banners, of course, but that's what we currently "pay" for
getting a free service.
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