Fwd: Call for papers

From: Peter Smagorinsky (psmagorinsky@home.com)
Date: Thu Sep 20 2001 - 10:14:43 PDT

>Sociology of Education invites manuscript submissions for a thematic
>issue on the sociology of school and classroom language. Guest Editor
>for the issue is Professor Donna Eder of Indiana University. The
>teaching and learning that occurs in schools and classrooms is mediated
>by the written and oral communications among teachers and students. It
>is often through language that shared cultural interpretations are
>developed. Manuscripts that can illuminate a sociological understanding
>of formal and informal language practices in schools are welcome.
>Possible topics include the contribution of language to within-school
>stratification; the role of language in classroom learning; language
>and socialization processes; classroom language, power, and authority;
>the construction of ethnic, gender, and other social identities; and
>code-switching and other multicultural language practices. Manuscripts
>reporting field-based studies are preferred.
>The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2002. Manuscripts should be
>sent to Sociology of Education at the following address:
>Box 3
>Teachers College, Columbia University
>525 W. 120th St.
>New York, NY 10027
>Please follow the guidelines in the Notice to Contributors which appears
>in each issue of the journal. In addition, please enclose a diskette
>containing a copy of the manuscript.
>For additional information, please contact Donna Eder at
>eder@indiana.edu or Aaron Pallas at socofed@exchange.tc.columbia.edu.

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