ematusov@udel.edu writes:
>Instead of an opportunity for soul searching, for reflection on how our
>ways of lives and actions contribute to past and current tragedies there
>is war drum beating.
i am hearing, and reading, a lot of aggressive language, but i am also
hearing, and reading, a lot of caution, a need for precision and not
rampaging attacks, - i admit i have no idea what is being planned, indeed
do any of us know? in spite of the war rhetoric, i keep hearing / reading
a "different kind of war" where bombing will not be part of the effort to
confront terrorism... i don't know, frankly, what the hell is going on
>Political opposition and political debates have
>been collapsed replaced by religious and patriotic rituals and symbolism
>and propaganda. The CNN highlight is not that "America at tragedy" but
>"America at war." There is building war unity.
this too, i see in the headlines, but i get no sense of war-mongering from
any of the international communities who have agreed to participate in the
> Any critique of
>government is considered to be as an act of terrorism. Democratic
>political processes are stole. Administration demands more power for
>itself, FBI, CIA, and military at expense of rights and needs of people.
i have heard this, too, often, and don't understand what is being implied
at all. can you explain?
>In Arizona there is the first new victim of new America war -- Indian
>immigrant killed by "patriotic" mob.
this upsets me more than the posturing and media-bytes. ignorance and
anger are terrifing.
"Waves of hands, hesitations at street corners, someone dropping a
cigarette in a gutter - all are stories. But which is the true story? That
I do not know. Hence I keep my phrases hung like clothes in a cupboard,
waiting for someone to wear them. Thus waiting, thus speculating, making
this note and then another, I do not cling to life."
Virginia Woolf, The Waves, 1931.
(...life clings to me...)
diane celia hodges
university of british columbia, centre for the study of curriculum and
vancouver, bc
mailing address: 46 broadview avenue, montreal, qc, H9R 3Z2
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