In a message dated 8/29/2001 3:58:22 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:
> I believe that we will not get this anywhere near right (we will never get
> it totally right) until we move to a balance. The proper role of normed
> assessment instruments (in both education and health) is as a tool to
> assist in the making of informed professional judgements. Professional
> mysticism and secrecy was the main cause of the backlash through public
> policy. The professional teacher and health worker must learn to operate in
> an environment where the processes they use for making professional
> judgements are open to scrutiny every time they use them, and that those
> processes must engage with every person who has a stake in the decision.
I agree. I never claimed to used the scores derived from normed tools as the
sole decider of services. Everyone assumed because I brought up normed tests
I was singing their praises and wanted to scrap all other forms of
assessment. Witch-doctoring, hmmm? sounds like your a fan of Freud's
psychoanalysis theory.
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