This message is addressed to Peggy Bengel, Editorial Coordinator of the
journal Mind, Culture and Activity. I am sorry to send it through our
discussion listserve but I don't know how else to reach her. Thank you for
your understanding, Folks.
Dear Peggy,
I am writing you because the last issue of Mind, Culture and Activity that I
received is # 7 (1 and 2). After that I haven't received more recent issues
even though I have renewed my subscription for the year 2001, if my memory
doesn't fail me. I waited a while before notifying you because there have
been times in the past where availability of some issues incurred a delay.
But in looking for the Rose paper that we are discussing at xmca, I found out
that the most current MCA issue published is 8 (1), I believe. I would be
very grateful if you could be so kind as to please check why issues 7, (3)
and (4) have not reached me and, if my subscription renewal wasn't received,
send me a renewal form and the MCA issues published in 2001.
Please note that since this past July I have a new mailing address:
Doris Georgiou
2475 Underwood Street, Apt. 281
Houston, Texas 77030-3535.
I thank you in advance for your time and kind attention.
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