Re: Vygotsky's Crisis in Psychology

From: Garai László (
Date: Sun Aug 19 2001 - 12:06:53 PDT

Since I joined the xmca it is for the first time I can afford to read mails - hundreds of them for the last two or three months. Now, I am awfully sorry for that kind of reading because I would be VERY INTERESTED in what Eric, Phil, Linda, Bruce, Nate and Ricardo wrote about the "Vygotsky's Crisis in Psychology". The matter is that a couple of years ago Mike published in the
Journal of Russian and East-European Psychology my paper (co-authored by Margit Kocski) "Another crisis in the psychology: A possible motive for the Vygotsky-boom" ( and if I read your mails in early June when they were written I would be very eager to discuss with you our points in common and and those separating our positions about the present features of that Vygotsky's writing.


Prof. Laszlo GARAI, Dr. Acad. Sc.
Head of Dept of Economic Psychology, University of Szeged
Research adviser of Research Institute for Psychology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Budapest, PO Box 398. HUNGARY - 1394
Phone: (361) 23-95-905 or (361) 35-00-555 (219) Fax: (361) 239-67-27

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