hi - i'm sorry, i can't for the life of me remember the article.
all i can recall is part of the title, "collective memory," and it
referred to work i was doing on the 'nature' of knowledge and belief and
memory and "truths" ... it was written by a woman, of course (aha ha ha)
and published in the early 1990s, but that's about all i remember.
wish i could be more help.
it was an article about education, so i'd reckon it's in the ERIC
- i hope you can find it.
diane writes:
>You mention:
>>i also read an interesting/disturbing article once about the ways
>>collective memory is
>>created in particular contexts, (in this case an elementary school
>>classroom), where
>>instruction guides subjective recall towards an official narrative that
>>will be
>>affirmed with school textbooks -
>That sounds like a fascinating reading that focuses on something that
>I have often found disturbing but hard to talk about. Any clues to
>its source. (And any guesses by list members) would be appreciated.
>Thanks, John
"I want you to put the crayon back in my brain."
Homer Simpson
diane celia hodges
university of british columbia, centre for the study of curriculum and
vancouver, bc
mailing address: 46 broadview avenue, montreal, qc, H9R 3Z2
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