I didn't read Laszlo as suggesting that we produce a glossary, but as
suggesting a practice of interfoliating messages written in Internet
English with the appropriate term(s) in other relevant languages we have
access to, within brackets, whenever participants suspect that there may be
important differences between languages in nuance and articulation. This
may have been a misreading on my part, but then it gives us two ideas for
the price of one ;-)
An xmca glossary would naturally be a neat and useful thing, if you get
volunteers. The advantage with a recommended practice is that it could be
followed on an individual basis, but, nevertheless, become an integrated
part of xmca culture.
At 08.34 -0700 01-08-15, Mike Cole scrobe:
>Dear Laszlo--
>I think a glossary for xmca would be fascinating. The problem is time (as
>discussed in other notes concerning distribution of notes).
>If there is an interested group in helping with this, could they self
>identify? If 4-5 people would act as collectors and editors, and we
>distributed the work, it might be doable and useful.
>I volunteer to write about zoped (ZBR in Russian) and prolepsis.
>Volunteer committee?
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