Re: time, memory of one and many, zipf's law.
From: Bill Barowy (
Date: Sun Aug 12 2001 - 11:25:42 PDT
- Next message: Eva Ekeblad: "Re: time, memory of one and many, zipf's law."
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Oh, and btw, I had remembered that Judy had posted this message some time ago,
but I could not exactly recall when, and had to spend time manually searching
the xmca web archive after a google search of it did not find it.
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- Next message: Eva Ekeblad: "Re: time, memory of one and many, zipf's law."
- Previous message: Bill Barowy: "time, memory of one and many, zipf's law."
- Maybe in reply to: Bill Barowy: "time, memory of one and many, zipf's law."
- Next in thread: Diane Hodges: "Re(2): time, memory of one and many, zipf's law."
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