Dear friends--
There have been submitted 13 proposals to the Cultural-Historical SIG.
We have pool of 22 reviewers. If you want to become a reviewer you can
still join by August 15th when I start assigning reviewers to the
submitted proposals. Ideally, we would like to have 4 reviewers per
Let me know, please, if you have questions,
Eugene Matusov
CH SIG Program Officer
-----Original Message-----
From: Yong Zhao []
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 10:22 AM
Subject: AERA Call for Reviewers
This Call for Reviewers is sent out to all who have registered as an
author for the AERA 2002 annual meeting on the electronic proposal
submission site.
Thanks for submitting proposals for the annual meeting. This year, we
received nearly 6800 proposals (including 5700 individual and over
1000 multiple proposals). This number is higher than previous years.
As you know, every proposal should be reviewed by 3 reviewers, which
means, we will need approximately 21000 reviewers if each reviewer
reviews one proposal. If on average an individual reviews 5
proposals, we will need about 4000 reviewers. But the system
currently has only 2800 registered reviewers.
High quality peer review is essential for a high-quality program and
reviewing is an important professional contribution. We would like to
invite you to serve as a reviewer for this year's annual meeting.
If you have already signed up as a reviewer, you may consider adding
more divisions/SIGs by changing your reviewer profile after you log
in as a reviewer at:
If you have not signed up, you can do so by visiting: and then click the "Register to
become a reviewer, session chair, or discussant for 2002." located at
the left column of the log in screen.
We are aware that Netscape browsers do not properly display the
selected divisions/SIGs and we are working on changing that. In the
meantime, if it's not too much practical trouble or against your
opposition to Microsoft, please use Internet Explorer.
The following divisions/SIGs are especially in need of more reviewers:
A2: Leadership, Organizational Development, and School Renewal
C4b: Focuses on out-of-school learning environments, including
workplaces, museums, and other non-school settings
Division K 4c: Professional Development and the Work of Teaching
Adulthood & Aging SIG
Division C-5: Cognitive, Social, and Motivational Processes
SIG-Research Focus on Black Education
If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to
contact the support staff at: or 517-432-3744 (ask
for Ken).
By the way, character setting or encoding can impact the looks of a
proposal. For example, setting the browser character setting or
encoding to Unicode (UTF-8) can help a lot. It displays properly the
apostrophes and double quotes.
Thank you!
-- ___________________________________________Zhao, Yong, Ph. D Director, KLICK Director, Office of Teaching and Technology Associate Professor of Technology in Learning and Teaching 115D Erickson Hall College of Education Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824 517-353-4325/fax: 517-432-4797
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