kathryn writes
>Bill you are right, please accept my apologies for ranting on about
>situations that I have no experience. I read my posting this morning and
>went - "sheesh" what a cranky old woman!!! "Hey you kids - stop
>having fun!"
>but it is intriguing that the unexpected turns and reverberations of
>activity/responses does change things so quickly.
>Stinky crap for sure - but it's not cow chips, it's human crap - hence
>extremes and the polarizations.
well speaking as one who often flies off with a crotchety rant myself
(puking on rhetoric and such, oiy! ha ha)
i'd like to say i found your perspective REFRESHING kathryn.
thanks for sharing it, really. i enjoyed the rant very much.
cheers dear
"I want you to put the crayon back in my brain."
Homer Simpson
diane celia hodges
university of british columbia, centre for the study of curriculum and
vancouver, bc
mailing address: 46 broadview avenue, montreal, qc, H9R 3Z2
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