I have tried to send messages to you off-line to no avail. You need to
modify the way the notice below is being sent out. I get this message every
time a message goes out on this listserve. I know I can just delete it, but
it is getting annoying. I assume that everyone else is getting multiple
copies of this message as well.
George K. Cunningham
University of Louisville
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Katherine Goff [mailto:Katherine_Goff@ceo.cudenver.edu]
> Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 10:57 AM
> To: xmca@weber.ucsd.edu
> Subject: Re(2): Re(2): remembering time
> Your message has been received. However, Katherine Goff has a new e-mail
> address: Katherine.Goff who-is-at adams12.org. Please make a note of it!
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