Re: scripted zopeds

From: Ana Marjanovic Shane (
Date: Wed Aug 08 2001 - 19:44:47 PDT

Mike and all

At 05:19 PM 8/8/2001 -0700, you wrote:

>A zoped is a full dramatic performance. backstage, directors, plays, audience,
>critics, the works. There is probably a script somewhere in the mix, but
>no play has ever been produced that exactly follows "the script" and given
>the "inescapable tension between mediational means and action" ( a la wertsch)
>there never will be.
>Zopeds, like all joint, mediated, human activities are open systems. To
>that they are or could be scripted, in the sense of be exactly prespecified
>and fulfilled, is an idea whose time should never come.

It is interesting to compare Zopeds with a dramatic performance. But it's
more like an improvisation or even better: variations on a theme. A
"script" is there but every performer makes a variation or many variations.

That idea, BTW is in the core of Vygotsky's psychology of art - the
difference between the "script" (or the expected, the standard) and the
variation produced, creates a necessary dramatic effect, a tension that
gets resolved in the final catharsis (maybe a final "A-ha!"?).


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