xmca@weber.ucsd.edu writes:
Phil Graham scrobe:
>No --- c'mon. Let's get back to it --
>Phil (teasingly)
actually, for something nice and linear such as the instruction of
reading from the smallest to the biggest - it does always seem to go that
way, doesn't it - little to big... i copied a part of the primary english
standards that martin owen referred us to:
2. As part of all courses, trainees must be taught:
a. the importance, in order to secure pupils’ progress in English, of
ensuring that pupils of all ages develop their skills in English at:
· word level, through being taught phonics, spelling and vocabulary;
· sentence level, through being taught grammar and punctuation; and
· text level, through being taught comprehension and composition;
b. the importance of securing a close relationship between work at each of
these levels;
c. about the emphasis that should be given to teaching at each level
depending on pupils’ ages and the stage of their development in English
eg. giving greatest attention to teaching word level skills to beginning
odd, isn't it, that there's nothing about comprehension for words or
sentences - oh, well. perhaps diane can explain this.
* * * * * * * *
* *
The English noun "identity" comes, ultimately, from the
Latin adverb "identidem", which means "repeatedly."
The Latin has exactly the same rhythm as the English,
buh-BUM-buh-BUM - a simple iamb, repeated; and
"identidem" is, in fact, nothing more than a
reduplication of the word "idem", "the same":
"idem(et)idem". "Same(and) same". The same,
repeated. It is a word that does exactly what
it means.
from "The Elusive Embrace" by Daniel
phillip white
doctoral student http://ceo.cudenver.edu/~hacms_lab/index.html
scrambling a dissertation
denver, colorado
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