Eric, I'd say from your one concise sentence that you do indeed have a lot to
think about. Before condemning the educational system as a whole, perhaps it
would be good to spend some more time in it. Last time I was in a fourth
grade classroom, last winter, the kids were engaged in learning about their
community. In my last second grade experience, kids were practicing their math
by taking lunch counts (chicago math curriculum) and learning about pond
ecology with collections of macroinvertebrates and charts that identified them.
I, with my coauthors, have a high school science/math/technology curriculum
published with NSTA that provides guidance for students learning while engaged
in design and build projects from boats to greenhouses. Think on this -- you
and i must be on different planets.
When was the last time you were in a second grade,or fourth grade, or high
school classroom?
If I appear polemical, i'm simply responding in kind. Being polemical won't
change anyones mind, it will simply, as I may have demonstrated, alienate
people from each other, and put up barriers to communication.
> The modern educational system is far too concerned with teaching abstract
> learning and so unfamiliar with concrete learning (learning, not teaching)
> that we now are dealing with such a monolithic system that in order to
> accomplish my goal I must offend and I am sure disgust some individuals with
> my tenacious attitude and sometimes unrelenting postions. thank you for
> questioning my postings it has helped me to formulate my thoughts more
> concretely.
> Still more to think about,
> Eric
"One of life's quiet excitements is to stand somewhat apart from yourself and watch yourself softly become the author of something beautiful."
[Norman Maclean in "A river runs through it."]
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