At 23.14 -0400 01-08-06, scrobe:
>The modern educational system is far too concerned with teaching abstract
>learning and so unfamiliar with concrete learning (learning, not teaching)
>that we now are dealing with such a monolithic system that in order to
>accomplish my goal I must offend and I am sure disgust some individuals with
>my tenacious attitude and sometimes unrelenting postions.
Thanks for summing up, Eric.
Your statement about the educational system sounds, in its content, not at
all too different from what other xmca participants bring into the
discussion on that topic. But, then again, I may be misunderstanding you -
you do tend to string words together in ways that make me uncertain what
they mean.
Then, it does not follow as a necessity that you must offend in order to
accomplish your goal, and it also does not follow that your perception of
why you offend is uncontestable (it does sound rather self-congratulatory,
don't you think?)
I am NOT saying that you should obey a chain of command, follow an
etiquette, or a set protocol. What I'm saying is that when you turn to
mailinglist communication because you have an important mission you should
know your audience and how to reach them for your purpose. Treating
potential allies as enemies or as ignorant children (heck, even ignorant
children shouldn't be treated like ignorant children) is not an efficient
rhetorical strategy for the purpose. It will, evidently, instead lead to
what you have observed as a stagnation of the communication in relation to
the individual performing thusly. This is my analysis of your case as you
have offered it through your posting on "machinistic behavior".
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