Although I haven't had a chance to respond directly, I want to thank Bill
for posting his field notes and artifacts (The imovie is great!). Abstract
discussions are great but I think it is important also to see CHAT concepts
in action. Mike Cole and Bill Blanton used to post the occasional field note
from the 5th Dimension sites. Perhaps from time to time they (all of us,
actually) could do so again and we could anchor discussions around them.
For example, I am interested in whether an analysis of the skate boarding
context using chat perspectives would be useful in terms of analyzing
contradictions (e.g., people getting hurt and suing vs. freedom to skate
board without protective equipment or supervision) with the goal of reaching
some reasonable compromise. Or would "common sense" or "reasonable people"
work this out just as well? What value is added if chat is invoked?
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Barowy []
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 8:27 PM
Subject: when I become a teacher...
No. 1 son is the guy with his hands behind his head, seen upside down, in
latest video, saying 'when I become a teacher' :
"One of life's quiet excitements is to stand somewhat apart from yourself
and watch yourself softly become the author of something beautiful."
[Norman Maclean in "A river runs through it."]
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