so i'm a pessimist

From: Mike Cole (
Date: Mon Jun 04 2001 - 20:50:56 PDT

OK, So things are fine in Michael W-Roth's part of the world and nate

Mike, I also mainly read MCA and most of that seems connected to practical resea
rch. Are you telling me I shouldn't use MCA to generalize about the research com
munity in general.

I hope to hear from others on this issue, but I am glad that Michael W-R is
reward for activity based research based on the unity of theory and practice
and that is the norm where he reside.

>From my old fashioned part of the world I have to say to Nate that if one
uses MCA to generalize to the rest of social sciences, one should first
check out all official publications of the Amnerican psychological associationm
the Anerican Psychologfical Society, similar journals in England and most
of Scandanavia, etc.

Here is a case where I fervently hope that all will prove me wrong in my
dour assessment!

At which point, lets cancel MCA. What would be the point if it is just repeating
what everyone is doing? Seems like a lot of trouble to simply be repetitive.
Since Harry Daniels and Anne Edwards are about to take on a good part of this
burden we should hurry up and warn them off, as a simple matter of humanity!

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