Re: God tricks and the 1universal truth

From: Ricardo Ottoni Vaz Japiassu (
Date: Fri May 11 2001 - 14:05:39 PDT

In my oppinion there is only an eternal half-day sun shinning, as a german philosopher said before. If it is so, time may be a convention used to build sense, a very particular perspective to "read" and "write" and "inscribe" marks of cultural-historical social reallity.

Is it wrong to think time as an eternal lack of time?

    -----Mensagem original-----
    De: <>
    Para: <>
    Data: Sexta-feira, 11 de Maio de 2001 17:57
    Assunto: Re: God tricks and the 1universal truth
    In a message dated 5/11/2001 2:55:58 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:
        YES> of course you, and anyone else, can have a universal theory about
        go for it. culture be damned eh?
    Here is a universal theory about everyone. We all live our lives one moment
    at a time, once a moment passes it is gone never to be lived again. Time is
    the ultimate quantifier, it is measurable and it occurs for everyone.
    Whether one chooses to slow down their PERCEPTIONS of time is up to them.
    One thing is for sure undeniable: time passes for everyone and there is no
    returning to previous moments. Other then time, I can't think of any other
    universal human truths.
    Waiting for a reply,

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