Re: Reading Learning by Expanding

From: Nate Schmolze (
Date: Wed Dec 13 2000 - 04:05:48 PST

This seems like a good idea too me. This would give plenty of time to get
it into a web accessible form and the mentioning of multiple nodes of
interaction sounds interesting.


At 09:18 AM 12/12/2000 -0800, you wrote:

>I have a proposal that may or may not please people.
>Kris Guiterrez at UCLA and I will be teaching a course on
>CHAT in education to grad students at UCLA starting in April.
>Reading that book in the context of an xmca discussion in which
>Yrjo is a part of would be fantatistic for that class (and, I
>can imagine, for classes others of you are teaching).
>The problem is that the class starts in April, so there is a delay,
>There is, however, a giant plus. Yrjo will be here at UCSD in the
>spring, and since the class with Kris is done through interactive
>video, multiple modes of interaction become possible.
>What would be most engaging for you, Yrjo?

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