i wonder if we might begin something different here - like, the CH of CHAT
- the cultural-historical aspects of these discussions,
and theories,
and the ways these offer divergence instead of adherence?
i've asked several times about how the CH of CHAT functions here, what
used to
be called sociocultural theory, what first drew me here into this melange
of diverse
perspectives - surely we all have important views on what qualifies as the
CH of
our activities?
this might be something for the unspeaking=ones (o silent lurkers of the
fearsome monologic discourse! pick up thy words and speak - the keyboard
is mightier than the
i could offer my own histories with cultural-historical aspects of my
work, if that might help,
but perhaps someone with more indepth experience with this
could begin with something?
just a thought.
:point where everything listens.
and i slow down, learning how to
enter - implicate and unspoken (still) heart-of-the-world.
(Daphne Marlatt, "Coming to you")
diane celia hodges
university of british columbia, centre for the study of curriculum and
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university of colorado, denver, school of education
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