Judy writes
>I do appreciate Marx's historical analysis -- (which is elegant and
>stands as one of the grand theories of modernism) but I don't accept the
>transcendence of history or of 'objective determinate patterns' there.
>The issue of transcendence may be more a matter of rhetoric & terminology
>than of substance.
> Sure, we're born into a world that's given. But the
>story changes with new regimes, psychoanalysis, the tricks of memory.
> I
>am just as bewildered by your conviction as you are by my lack of it.
ME TOO!!!!!!!
>Here and on related points there are fissures in the CHAT community. The
>CHAT community will thrive if CHATTERS accept the fissures without
>insisting that those who disagree come over to their side, which can turn
>xmca into a terribly repetitive incantation of claims & and counter
see now i just caught a glimpse of what CHAT implies, after my repeated
asking, what is the CH of CHAT and getting absolutely no responses,
and after witnessing this utterly profane jig of totalitarianism regarding
"ideals" and so on, the muddy tracks of 19th century thinking staining my
email, the sheer sludge and muck of it all,
and trying to figure out WHY is this SO BORING and why does this seem so
----well, of course!! the CH has been eaten up and regurgitated as
Marxism. Is that the CH
of CHAT? Marxism?
i mean, here in the tippy-toe of the 21st century, are we really still
turning backwards to figure out what's in our face?
i think Marx is ever-so-elegant too, pretty, very pretty, but as many have
found out, and as Phillip White so delightfully noted, it's just not
enough to keep reciting
in the contexts of a complex social sphere where gender and race and sex
difference are such an enormous part of what structures the dominant
this is so White Guy. I mean. wow.
what's next? Plato's Cave?
honestly. Ideally, i thought cultural-historical would include
anthropological and feminist accounts of culture and history,
but i guess that's MY ideal, and not the real Ideal.
huh. well i _am_ learning!!
thanks all for the extraordinary educative experience.
:point where everything listens.
and i slow down, learning how to
enter - implicate and unspoken (still) heart-of-the-world.
(Daphne Marlatt, "Coming to you")
diane celia hodges
university of british columbia, centre for the study of curriculum and
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university of colorado, denver, school of education
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