Re: Ideal - Ilyenkov

From: Helena Worthen (
Date: Sun Sep 03 2000 - 09:11:11 PDT

Diane and Jan --

Diane wrote: -----"questions: what is the relation seen here between
"intellect" and

Ilyenkov doesn't get into what intellect is. So far in this discussion, I
don't think anyone has.

-----"what is the difference between "idea" - "ideal" and David Hume's
of "impressions"?

I'd group Hume and Kant together as thinkers that granted pure,
transcendental, non-material non-historical reality to a certain group of
phenmomena. I don't know a whole lot about either of these guys but I can
tell that this is what Hegel and Ilyenkov and Marx DON'T think. I also
personally always through it as a pretty risky set of notions.

---- "Are we to accept here that consciousness is (a) effectively human and
(b) essentially social and cultural and historical?"


-----"In relating language to consciousness, here, are we referring to words,

communications, or semiotics and abstract symbolic relations such as
rhythm, sound pattern, and so on?"

Yep!!! everything -- Ilyenkov makes a big point of showing that you can't
generate an exhaustive list of what serves the purpose of commnnicating
(weaving, Eva) consciousness -- on page 29 of my copy he shakes his hand in
the direction of our whole midden of tools: "words, books, statues, churches,
community centers, television towers, and (above all!!) the instruments of
labour, from the stone axe nd the bone needle to the modern automated factory
and the computer."

And so????


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