En: Re(2): Lang embodied?

From: Elisa Sayeg (cyborg@uol.com.br)
Date: Sat Jun 17 2000 - 19:25:12 PDT

[Paul said:]

>>> (...) I agree that other forms of human exploitation exist and
perhaps new ones might emerge in a successful socialist state (...)
(...) Resolving the primary contradiction (eg, establishing a "humanized/socialized" basis of economic organization), even though it's primary, will not necessarily resolve the others. At a very fundamental level I agree with the buddhist position that the sources
of human suffering are greed, ignorance, and hatred. (...) <<<

          But by saying this you seem to be denying that there are systematic forms of oppression other than the "[supposed?] primacy of the division of labor and capital". But what some feminists say is that there are sexist forms of oppression that are equally systematic. Only systematicity could explain male [male-as-a-class?] use of religious power and also female genital mutilation, for instance, which occur and have occurred in non-capitalist societies. And those are not forms of oppression based on the "division of labor and capital".


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