perhaps i am being too literal, but i read the "crisis in psychology"
webpage you offered,
and at the end noted LSV's call for the creation of a "psychological
materialism" -
so i have two questions, really, concerning LSV's writing, and the
particular leanings that bend in this list's interest in AT, as well as the
absence of a clear understanding of how the CH determines the AT of CHAT
(hee hee) -
1 - psychological materialism seems to me to assume a logic underlies
social practice, that the ontological and epistemological are logically
organized in social
practice/activity, ... am i understanding that ? or misunderstanding?
2 - all concepts are authored, so the notion that any concept might be
universalized seems a wee bit misguided, n'est pas? concepts do not exist
facts, but as languages and particular semantic tendencies of any one
writer - so, in CHAT, the cultural-historical is potentially infinite in
its meanings,
and still, AT, it seems, is rather precise in its meanings, based on common
understandings of its central concepts -
to me, this hints of irreconcilable and confusing contradictions in
application and analysis of CH-AT - but perhaps i am
missing something. Are there those who are only interested in Activity,
without the cultural-historical dimensions?
are there those who are interested in the cultural-historical dimensions
in absentia
of the specific concepts that organize the Activity?
how many branches of C-H-A-Theories emerge from CHAT?
is a logical analysis inherent to any of these divergences?
many questions. thought i only had two.
thanks for the thread, though.
:point where everything listens.
and i slow down, learning how to
enter - implicate and unspoken (still) heart-of-the-world.
(Daphne Marlatt, "Coming to you")
diane celia hodges
university of british columbia, centre for the study of curriculum and
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university of colorado, denver, school of education
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