Hi everybody--
I found that Humberto's message has many fallacies. As a former citizen of a
socialist society, I agree with Humberto that totalitarian state attempts to
weaken family (like any other groups, communities, and organizations).
However, it does not mean that within its own constrains Soviet family was
less patriarchic than US family. Further, "guilt by association" is not a
very valid argument. For example, Hitler pioneered many great
(state-sponsored) health care programs like fighting against cancer and
tobacco smoking. It does not mean that each time when some organization
wants to promote the same health care causes it means that this organization
is totalitarian or fascist. From the fact that a totalitarian state and
feminism try to weaken patriarchic family does not mean that totalitarian
state is feminine or feminism totalitarian. There was tremendous macho cult
in the Nazi Germany and Soviet Union.
Finally, I found an interesting tacit assumption in Humberto's message. He
seems to assume that somebody should own children: state, father, or mother.
Can children be not a property at all?
What do you think?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mary bryson [mailto:brys@unixg.ubc.ca]
> Sent: Friday, May 05, 2000 9:28 AM
> To: xmca@weber.ucsd.edu
> Subject: FW: feminism is socialism
> hi XMCA'rs
> This was in my mailbox today, and i thought....gosh....what to
> do? And then
> i thought...maybe someone on XMCA would like to answer Mr. Nunez, cuz i
> don't have the energy to.....and maybe it isn't worth
> answering....maybe it
> is just kind of interesting, like a fetish email....
> anyhow, this is how i started my day
> *shaking my head
> Mary
> ----------
> From: Humberto Nunez <lltrevolution@netzero.net>
> To: brys@unixg.ubc.ca
> Subject: feminism is socialism
> Date: Fri, May 5, 2000, 4:08 AM
> 1st thing communist countries do is put the women to work to take over
> the family unit
> Increasing the Workforce Decreases Wages. Economy101 - basic simple
> concepts of supply and demand
> Women in the Workforce Doubled the Workforce which Decreased
> Wages-(which was deceptively hidden thru deflation/the devalueing of the
> dollar)
> That is why in the 1950's, the avg. American family lived fine on ONE
> income but today the avg. American family NEEDS TWO incomes to get by.
> Women in the workforce/feminism, just Created more Taxpaying Slaves for
> The State resulting in the enslavement of the avg. American family unit.
> feminists are being USED.. they have complained about
> power-control-freak men/husbands... ONLY to have it REPLACED by a
> Power-Control-Freak Totalitarian Police STATE.
> Create a (so-called) problem to justify the excuse for MORE POWER to
> solve it is the Oldest Dictator ploy in the book.
> Either Fathers OWN their children OR the STATE OWNS the children.
> Law of the Jungle/women look for the Best Provider -- when the Best
> Provider becomes the STATE(i.e. the Welfare State), she then marries
> (into) the STATE and now the STATE OWNS her children
> "Who owns the youth owns the future!" -Adolf Hitler ---- thus the US
> Dept. of (in)Human(e) Services; Division of Family
> Destruction(Development)
> Either the man/husband/father is the Head of His Household.......OR the
> STATE is the HEAD of your Household!
> Attack the Family Unit = weaken society ....... thus more STATE CONTROL
> cut the Head(man of the household) out thus more STATE CONTROL =OWN the
> children thus more STATE CONTROL breed ignorant society thus more STATE
> feminism = weaker men; weaker men = LESS RESISTANCE thus more STATE
> Patriarchy = Men OWN their wives.. it's called a Family Unit.. it's
> called morality
> feminism/matriarchy = everyone having sex with eachothers' women while
> still remaining 'friends' like a bunch of ANIMALS!
> feminism/matriarchy = village = socialism = tribalism = lowest form of
> civilization = NO SURPLUS = Deficit = Slavery
> Patriarchy = Family Unit = efficiency = prosperity = Individual Rights =
> OPPOSITE of socialism = Surplus = free time for great
> works/inventions..... --
> -- i.e. immigrants who come here and prosper come from
> patriarchal-family-structures because Patriarchy = Family Unit =
> Name me ONE time when Govt. Sponsered Propaganda was NOT Totalitarian in
> Nature
> feminism IS Govt. Sponsered Propaganda -- to weaken society; weaken the
> Family Unit; weaken it's men.. for more STATE CONTROL
> Multiculturalism = Everyone different(immigrants not "Americanized") =
> NO UNITY amongst society = Divide & Conquer/LESS RESISTANCE = more STATE
> homosexuality + abortion = population control
> population control techniques deployed at Americans + allowing more
> illegal immigrants into the country = higher % (of society) of a
> working-slave-force/cheap labor etc. etc.
> http://www.fathersmanifesto.org
> repeal19th@egroups.com
> -Humberto
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