On Thu, 4 May 2000 08:56:10 -0700 (PDT) pedro Porte wrote:
Vygotky's grandaughter and her son Lev Jr. presented in the Monday Night
meeting and were well received by a rather small group gathered that first
night of the conference. It was hard to hear given a live Cajun band next
door and the strong accent etc.. but it seemed that their reconstruction of
LSV and practices were familiar.
I am curious at this statement Pedro, does that mean that the AERA
academic discourse community has different reception of Vygotsky, than the
Vygotsky's? If so, does that mean that the "Vygotsky's" were being
assessed as being more or less authentic for their "reconstuction of LSV
and practices" than other academics who make their living being
that must be intriguing, can you explain in more detail?
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