jay sez:
>It is perfectly possible to look in great detail at many of the
>of variability and complexity in these real situations without reifying
>works of purification that enable some people to make grand theories and
>bask in their grandeur. Good for basking, and maybe for getting rich; but
>not for helping figure out how to help real people in real situations.
>Every theoretical notion that is not a provisional, dispensable,
>tool is a trap someone else has set for us. What we need theoretical
>sophistication for is to make useful ad-hoc theory, not to use theories
>Morph. Emulsify. Invaginate. Travesty. Play. JAY.
transmutate! genre-fibulate. how perfectly formulerrific!!!
thanks for that breath of lingua-funsity jay.
:point where everything listens.
and i slow down, learning how to
enter - implicate and unspoken (still) heart-of-the-world.
(Daphne Marlatt, "Coming to you")
diane celia hodges
university of british columbia, centre for the study of curriculum and
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university of colorado, denver, school of education
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