The McDonnell Program for Psychology in Romania and the Department of
Psychology of Babes-Bolyai University invite proposals for scholarly
presentations at an International Conference on Psychosocial Research to take
place at Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, June 23-27, 2000.
This conference, entitled "Stressful Changes: Psychosocial Aspects of
Postcommunist Transformations," will address issues related to how mental
health and psychosocial adjustment have been affected by sociopolitical
changes in formerly communist countries. Invited speakers are: Anthony
Marsella, University of Hawaii (United States); Matthew Friedman, National
Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (United States); and Halina
Grzymala-Moszczynska, University of Krakow (Poland).
Topics to be addressed include: issues of mental health and psychosocial
adjustment in Romania since 1989; posttraumatic stress disorder and the
mental health needs of refugees; issues of gender and sexuality in Eastern
and Central Europe; the role of culture and context in understanding mental
disorders; the impact of sociopolitical changes on mental health; and the
role of history and memory in psychosocial adjustment. The conference will
be interdisciplinary, and submissions are invited from the fields of
psychology, psychiatry, sociology, anthropology, public health, and related
subject areas. A special poster session will be held for student
Presentations may be in the form either of posters or 30-minute lectures, and
should be in the English language. Proposals should include the following:
1) curriculum vitae of senior presenter; 2) statement of current professional
or academic position; 3) a camera-ready abstract of 500 words or less (to be
included in the conference booklet); and 4) a more complete description (or
full text) of the proposed presentation, limited to ten double-spaced
typewritten pages.
Deadline for submission is April 30, 2000. A fee of $5 USD will be collected
at the beginning of the conference from those who wish to receive a
conference booklet with abstracts of presentations. Participants should make
their own travel arrangements (airlines connect to Cluj through Bucharest),
but will receive information about accommodations.
Please submit proposals to the following address:
David Manier, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor, Room 153
Department of Psychology
New York University
6 Washington Place
New York, NY 10003
Inquiries to: dmanier@aol.com
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