Re(2): Butler

From: Phillip White (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 06:25:27 PST writes:

Paul Dillon wrote:
>Interesting point though, should we restrict our references to those that
>we know are only accessible or probably known to everyone? Again we hit
>the question of "who is everyone?"

        good morning - it's my practice of just including brief explanations -
 for all the time i've been on the list, one theme has always been
participants asking for references and explanations -

        i'm not sure who you mean by the word "we" in your query about
references- if you mean just the two of us, Paul and phillip, or everyone
who has subscribed to xmca?

        as for myself, regarding your last question, i'm not part of that "we"
..... i don't ask myself that question. for me, as regards xmca, it has
been answered.


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