book-blinded I never associated Bateson with your request for looking at
too bad because Bateson's approach always requires specifying the position
of the interpreter or at least the implicit interpreter to whom the
meta-messages is directed (which can also appear as "not directed",
"directed away from"). This type of reflexivity i felt lacking at the time
which might also explain why i never thought of Bateson.
What assumptions of compatibility, translatability, can be presumed to exist
between meta-languages? the great discussion of the translatability of poems
and word-concepts showed how difficult the translation of first order
languages (in Bateson's sense) to be. How are genre (Bakhtin) and
metalanguage (Bateson) related?
What levels of diplomatic languages need be developed to bridge seemingly
irresolvable interpretive contradictions that generate double binds and
cognitive dissonances. But as you mention these are processes that enable
growth and learning, generate the need for such new languages, even if only
for oneself.
Paul H. Dillon
----- Original Message -----
From: Katherine Goff <Katherine_Goff@ceo.cudenver.edu>
To: <xmca@weber.ucsd.edu>
Cc: <xmca@weber.ucsd.edu>
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2000 10:14 AM
Subject: Re(2): reflexivity
> Paul H. Dillon writes:
> >Can you see that being applied to some of the difficulties we've
> >experienced
> >here?
> for several weeks (if not longer) i _thought_ i was asking for discussion
> about the meta-messages that were being sent and received (two separate
> and sometimes contradictory processes. )
> and difficulties, double binds, or cognitive dissonances are wonderful
> opportunities for learning!
> kathie
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> .........Our words misunderstand us..............................
> .....We are our words, and black and bruised and blue.
> Under our skins, we're laughing....................................
> .........................Adrienne Rich..................................
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Katherine_Goff@ceo.cudenver.edu
> http://ceo.cudenver.edu/~katherine_goff/index.html
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