Re: reflexivity

From: Katherine Goff (
Date: Sat Mar 11 2000 - 06:42:26 PST

Judy writes:
>For a moment, I wanted a meta systemic reflexive instrument that would
>monitor the limits of reflexivity so play would kick in in time (ha ha, to
>cite someone else on the list).... A better trope perhaps would be double
>vision. We have to sustain double vision, to take ourselves not too
>seriously while not losing any seriousness of purpose in our projects.

this sounds like donna haraway's project of situated knowledges.
she writes of double vision as a way to objectify oneself and to grant
agency to the object(s) of study.
"the world resists being reduced to mere resource because it is - not
mother/matter/mutter - but coyote" (p. 210 in The Reinvention of Nature)
as the trickster coyote, the objects of our study continually surprise us,
teaching us (like gregory and mary catherine bateson did) that we are not
in control of the world, and often not of ourselves.
introducing play might loosen some of the fear surrounding that


.........Our words misunderstand us..............................
.....We are our words, and black and bruised and blue.
Under our skins, we're laughing....................................
.........................Adrienne Rich..................................

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