Thanks for your reply.
Actually I was only asking one question. How would you practically included
a Foucaultian approach in the practice of self-reflexive project evaluation?
Using an activity theoretic approach, which I personally see as incompatible
with the Foucaultian analysis for reasons that you made clear in your post,
one can develop the models of activity systems (say using Engestrom's
triangles) and use these as artifacts for mediating the process of group
self-reflexivity on its practice.
I'm unsure how you would do this in such a concrete way with Foucault
inspired approaches. It seems that the group would end up with an abstract
critique that for most non-college educated working class people would be
impossible to digest or work with, let alone provide practical insight into
where contradictions that cripple project implementation are located so as
to be able to address them in practice.
Do you know of any practical applications that derived from a Foucault
approach, applied with non-academic, community people (i.e., project
Paul H. Dillon
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