>There is absolutely no experience I can offer an American in order
>that s/he can deep down understand how most of us experience
>American culture.
this resonated quite deeply with me, Phillip - the reason being that
i'm a person of same gender attraction - gads! - though the common
term is gay - and being gay in american culture is one way of
experiencing the discounting heterosexual discourse of "America" -
though the experience would not be one of explicit correlation, it is i
believe similar - and as a result when traveling i push myself to be
sensitive about the dominance of american assumptions - even,
ironically, the way, for example, how north american/western european
discourse on what constitutes being "gay" has caused dislocation in other
cultures about what constitutes same-sex- attraction - the ethnography
"Mema's House" about jotas/vestidas in Mexico City, or even Hilton Als'
"The women" - about a black man who learns to become a "Negress".
i think what i mean by this, Phillip, is that some Americans who have
found themselves discounted by the normalizing American discourse, could
perhaps more easily identify with your comments.
another phillip -
phillip white
third grade teacher
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