Is your current thinking on this written down anywhere? We have
a local foundation that is interested in doing some after school stuff
at shopping malls. How do you balance play vs accomplishing some
worth while goals? We'd be competing with the video arcades!
>So, Dale, what are you working on and worrying about these days? It is
>really interesting that your discontinuous experience with xmca should
>bring about a sharpened perception of change.
>Here we are struggling with the problem of too much money being thrown at
>educational problems too fast to enable intelligent usage. Its a really
>subtle social control mechanism that allows everyone to feel virtuous
>while nothing changes.
>I am personally trying to institutionalize afterschool use of the internet
>in one of the Fifth Dimensions in a Boys and Girls club as part of their
>"educational program." It relates to the issue of authenticity which
>we nodded toward a couple of weeks ago.... since we are dealing with
>AFTERschool, the best school-oriented practices won't survive, more play
>in needed. And more serious self-representation in the form of artifacts
>created "for them" (them being peers at a distance, the web, etc, whatever
>that is). We have some technical limitations, of course (its a Boys and
>Girl's Club founded on philanthropy, and hence always short of resources).
>But the really interesting issue is how, routinely, to create development-
>enhancing environments with the new tools at hand.... and how not to!
>Et vous?
Donald J. Cunningham
Center for Research on Learning and Technology
Indiana University
201 N. Rose, Rm. 2201
Bloomington IN 47405
Internet: cunningh@indiana.edu
Phone: 812-856-8201
Fax: 812-856-8245
WWW: http://php.ucs.indiana.edu/~cunningh/
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