RE: Re(2): actirivity triangle diagrams

From: Phil Graham (
Date: Wed Feb 16 2000 - 20:40:20 PST


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Katherine Goff []
> Sent: Thursday, 17 February 2000 12:56
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re(2): actirivity triangle diagrams
> Paul Dillon writes:
> >and how did you do it?
> in as friendly a manner as possible
> in the spirit of discussing the ways we express ourselves,
> our beliefs and
> knowledges
> i want to ask you, paul,
> why you just don't request help?
> i thought my taking your first question so literally was a
> way to gently
> chide you for your (perceived by me) abrupt manner.
> i was expecting some ritualistic or formalized response along
> the lines of
> "oh. would you please..."
> so, i am curious.
> still, to answer your question as if a friendly, respectful person has
> asked---
> i have found the most success in creating activity theory
> triangles using
> microsoft powerpoint.
> on a blank slide you create lines and text boxes,
> then select all
> then group the triangle and text boxes
> so they become one object.
> you can still modify the text and
> the entire object can be copied and pasted into a word document.
> i am using word '98 on a mac, but have sent it as an attachment to pc
> users who can open and view it, so it should work in the pc
> platform, too.
> kathie
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> .........Our words misunderstand us..............................
> .....We are our words, and black and bruised and blue.
> Under our skins, we're laughing....................................
> .........................Adrienne
> Rich..................................
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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