Please, inform us about the tragedy and your work there.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Artin Goncu, Ph.D. []
> Sent: Sunday, September 12, 1999 2:56 PM
> To: xmca who-is-at
> Subject: Participation
> Dear All:
> I returned less than a week ago after having worked with the earthquake
> victims in Istanbul and in the surrounding area. The annihilation and
> misery are beyond comprehension. If anybody wants to know my
> participation
> in this and wants to help the victims, I will try to transform the trauma
> into words... Sincerely, Artin
> Artin Goncu, Ph.D
> Associate Professor
> The University of Illinois at Chicago
> Educational Psychology (M/C 147)
> College of Education
> 1040 W. Harrison Street
> Chicago, IL 60607-7133
> (312) 996-5259